Where Audition has won favour is with podcasters, videographers and content creators. Comparing the two types of DAW isn’t a level playing field. But, conversely, it is capable of a whole host of things that even high-end music DAWs wouldn’t be able to entertain. As a result, it simply can’t do certain things that even basic DAWs like Garageband can do. Instead, Adobe accepted there is a difference – even symbolically – between music and audio, and opted to focus on audio. It attempted to jump on that bandwagon in 2007 with the introduction of VSTi support, and MIDI, but soon realised that wasn’t its strength and dropped those features. To sum up Adobe knows Audition isn’t a music DAW. Likewise, as a means of post-production, Audition has superb tools for mixing, mastering and exporting. A case in point would be for producers who rely on samples we had great results recording vinyl into Audition and using its tools and effects to remove artefacts, trim start and end points, and generally tidy and enhance the file before transferring clean, optimised waveforms into Live for use in a more musical way. While it’s hard to see how a music studio would base its entire workflow around Audition – the lack of MIDI support will see to that - you can easily see how it could play a valuable supporting role. It’s in these specialist tools that Audition truly shows its worth. Where Audition has won favour is with podcasters, videographers and content creators Now, you can get rid of it by simply clicking a button. If you’ve ever recorded a vocal and found it has an unwanted echo, you’ll know how frustrating that can be. The most recent version of Audition added a new plugin which can remove unwanted reverberation from an audio file. It’s simple, it works, and it has genuine real-world utility. Then, using this print as a reference, it removes all corresponding frequencies from the rest of the file. You highlight a tiny section at a relatively quiet point in the file, and Audition creates a ‘noise print’. Cleaning background noise like, for example, a low-level hum is so simple. It possesses an arsenal of tools which you simply don’t find – or at least not to the same level – in the music DAWs. The trick perhaps most closely associated with Audition comes in its ability to fix, repair or clean audio files. From here, you have absolute, precise, granular control over the audio. Double-clicking an audio file in the multitrack environment takes you to a separate window, containing only the waveform you have selected. Honestly, this is where the playing field changes significantly.

Where things do differ is in what is available to you when you have recorded a piece of audio. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things Audition can do, some it can’t, and try to establish where it fits in the broader DAW ecosystem.Ĭonnecting external equipment, like audio interfaces or mixers, is the same as it would be in any other DAW, and the actual act of recording itself is no different. Whether that’s through MIDI integration, or simply in their visual stylings or interfaces, whereas Audition is geared more towards a different audience. Live, Bitwig and the others are each designed specifically with music production in mind. Perhaps it comes down to that key word musicality. So why isn’t it more widely used by musicians? Why is that? When is a DAW not a DAW? After all, Audition provides you with a multitrack recording environment, with insanely detailed tools for audio manipulation and enhancement, and still to this day has one of the fastest workflows we’ve come across. Here’s the thing though Adobe Audition allows the user to do many of those same tasks, yet you’d struggle to find anyone who’d include it in a list of popular DAWs.
From Ableton Live to Cubase, and from Pro Tools to Bitwig, each offers a broadly similar set of features allowing the recording, manipulation, editing and production of audio into a musical format. We’re all familiar with digital audio workstations ( DAWs).
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How to start a podcast: a beginner's guide to podcasting.The best podcast microphones: record your first podcast today.But is it something musicians and music producers would consider using? Gradually, over time, new features and functionality have been added to Audition, making it the pro-level audio editing and production tool we see today.

Adobe relaunched Cool Edit Pro under its new name, Audition, in 2003 and started incorporating elements designed to make it play nicely with Adobe’s video editing application, Premiere.